Leopards are known to be highly dangerous predators, and are one of the most feared animals in the wild. There are several factors that make leopards dangerous, including their strength, speed, hunting ability, and temperament.

Leopards are incredibly strong animals, and are capable of taking down prey that is much larger than themselves. They have powerful jaws and sharp teeth that allow them to deliver deadly bites to their prey. In addition, leopards have strong legs and are capable of running at speeds of up to 58 kilometers per hour, which enables them to catch their prey even when it tries to flee.
Leopards are highly skilled hunters, and are able to prey on a wide range of animals, from small rodents to larger ungulates. They are stealthy predators, able to stalk their prey without being detected. They have excellent eyesight, hearing, and smell, which allows them to locate prey and avoid danger. In addition, leopards are highly adaptable and are able to adjust their hunting strategies based on the availability of prey in their environment.
Leopards are highly territorial and can be very aggressive if they feel threatened. They are known to attack humans if they feel their territory is being invaded, or if they feel their young are in danger. In addition, leopards can become more aggressive if they are injured or sick, as they may feel more vulnerable and therefore more likely to defend themselves.
Leopards often come into conflict with humans, as they are known to prey on domestic livestock. This can lead to conflict with local communities, who may try to protect their livestock by killing leopards. In addition, habitat loss and fragmentation due to human activities such as deforestation and urbanization can also increase the likelihood of human-leopard conflict.

The number of people injured by leopards every year varies depending on the location and the frequency of human-leopard encounters. In areas where humans and leopards live in close proximity, such as in rural parts of India and Africa, incidents of leopard attacks on humans are more common.
According to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE in 2019, there were 857 reported incidents of leopard attacks on humans in India between 2015 and 2018, resulting in 462 injuries and 144 deaths. In another study published in the same journal in 2016, researchers analyzed leopard attacks on humans in South Africa between 1988 and 2012 and found that there were a total of 44 attacks resulting in 30 injuries and 16 fatalities.

Encountering a leopard in the wild can be a frightening and dangerous experience, and it's important to know how to protect yourself in the event of an attack. Here are some tips on how to survive a leopard attack:
Stay calm: Leopards are known to be highly territorial and can attack if they feel threatened. If you encounter a leopard, it's important to remain calm and avoid making any sudden movements that could provoke it.
Back away slowly: If the leopard is not attacking you, slowly back away while keeping an eye on it. Do not turn your back on the leopard or run, as this may trigger an attack.
Make yourself appear larger: If the leopard starts to approach you, try to make yourself appear larger by raising your arms above your head and opening your jacket or shirt. This may intimidate the leopard and make it less likely to attack.
Use a stick or other object: If the leopard does attack, try to defend yourself with a stick or other object. Aim for the head and eyes, as these are the most vulnerable areas of the leopard's body.
Fight back: If the leopard does attack, do not play dead. Instead, fight back with all your strength. Use your fists, feet, or any objects you have at your disposal to try to incapacitate the leopard and escape.
Seek medical attention: If you are injured in a leopard attack, seek medical attention immediately. Leopards are known to carry diseases such as rabies, and their bites and scratches can cause serious infections.
It's important to remember that leopard attacks on humans are relatively rare, and most leopards will avoid confrontations with people if given the chance. However, it's always a good idea to take precautions when traveling in areas where leopards are known to live, such as avoiding walking alone at night and being aware of your surroundings at all times.

In summary, leopards are dangerous animals due to their strength, hunting ability, and territorial nature. Human-leopard conflict can also increase the risk of attacks on humans. It is important to take precautions when traveling in areas where leopards are known to live, and to support conservation efforts to protect these important and iconic predators.